Wednesday, May 4, 2016

The 16 Most Amazing Thrones (That Actually Exist!) (Infographic)

The Ivory Throne of Ivan the Terrible

Western Europe, 16th Century, Wood, Ivory, Walrus Bone

The throne of Ivan the Terrible is adorned with Ivory and Walrus Bone plates, which are engraved with intricate carvings. The carvings give an insight into the mythology and history of ancient Russia, as well as everyday life in Ivan's court.

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50 Amazing Animal Facts That Will Blow Your Mind (Infographic)

Planet Earth is home to around 1 million known species of animal. From insects to whales and everything in between. With such variety, there's no surprise that many animals have some wondrous traits. From the bizarre to the awe-inspiring, these are 50 of the most amazing facts about animals.

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How to Become A Networking Master in 35 Easy Steps (Infographic)

We get it. You've got a brilliant idea you know could be huge if only you could land it in the right peoples' laps.

So what do you do? You network.

The following guide will help you do it so well you'll never have to do it again.

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50 Amazing Facts About the Cost of Living Around the World (Infographic)

A slim physique in Sri Lanka costs just $11.92 a month for a grm membership but in Qatar you can expect a whopping $142.02 a month for a similar membership and if tennis is your sport, best avoid Kuwait, where court hire is a massive $45.81 per hour.

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Around the World in 52 Stats (Infographic)

Some people say it's a small world. But it's actually quite big, and it's teeming with amazing geological stats*.

Join Property Turkey on a journey around the world, looking at some of the world's best known geo-features

The 28 Naughtiest Children from Literature (Infographic)

Children's books are filled with mischief and mayhem, and of course with naughty children. The children in adult literature can be a whole lot naughtier and even pure evil.

This infographic from digs into the naughtiest children in all of literature. Be sure to share it with all books lovers!

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Tuesday, March 1, 2016

34 Unbelievably Weird Alcoholic Drinks From Around The World (Infographic)

Beard beer - Made from wild yeast found growing in a beard! It was discovered that the yeast can be cultivated to create a suitable state for fermenting beer

Human toe shot - A shot of the drinker's choice completed with the addition of a real, preserved ampulated toe, which is dropped into the glass. The fine for swallowing it is $2500!

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The Beginner's Guide To Workplace Pensions (Infographic)

Jargon Buster

Annuity: A fixed sum money paid each year
Benefits: Profits from your pension scheme
Board of trustees: People who supervise the pension trust fund
Contributions: Payments made into pension scheme
Defined Contribution: A workplace pension plan where you and employer agree on a specific level of contribution
Dependant: A person who relies on another financially
Drawdown: An amount of money taken from your pension investment
Employer-sponsored: A pension offered for the benefit of their employees
Interest: Money paid at a particular rate
Investment return: A measure of your pension funds (total profits made)
Pensionable earnings: The income used to calculate your pension benefits
Tax relief: Remission of income tax
Trust-based: Pension held by a private organization

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The Amazing Ways Colour Can Alter Your Mind (Infographic)

Whether you're a painter, a fashion designer, or just painting a bathroom, you'll know the importance of colour and the effect it can have on our minds and moods.

This infographic from digs into some of the most incredible ways colours can lift or drop our moods - without us even knowing it.

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The Ultimate Guide to Cyber Security For Employees (Infographic)

By mid-October, 2015 saw 606 data breaches compromising 175 million records. And shockingly, when it comes to cybersecurity threats, your own employees' IT habits are the biggest threat to company data.

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The Beginner's Guide To Personal Pensions (Infographic)

Jargon Buster

Annuity: A fixed sum money paid each year
Benefits: Profits from your pension scheme
Board of trustees: People who supervise the pension trust fund
Contributions: Payments made into pension scheme
Dependant: A person who relies on another financially
Drawdown: An amount of money taken from your pension investment
Employer-sponsored: A pension offered for the benefit of their employees
Interest: Money paid at a particular rate
Investment return: A measure of your pension funds (total profits made)
Pensionable earnings: The income used to calculate your pension benefits
Tax relief: Remission of income tax
Trust-based: Pension held by a private organization

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Everything You Need To Know About Life Cover (Infographic)

Want to buy life cover but don't know where to start? Start here! We've compiled the basic facts you need to know when making life cover decisions.

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How To Put Together A Killer Presentation (Infographic)

For many people it doesn't get more dauting than the thought of delivering a presentation.

The best way to combat any anxiety is to ensure that you have total faith in the message you're putting across. If you're confident that you have great, easily digestible content, structured in a way that will hold the attention of your audience, you're bound to deliver a killer presentation.

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What will the car of the future look like? (Infographic)

Which of these groundbreaking cars going to lead the way for the automobile of the future?

EN-V - EN-V is short for Electric Networked Vehicle

Vision Tokyo - Looks more like a high-tech lounge than the inside of a vehicle.

Terrafugia Transition - It may not be a hover car but this comes close.

Tesla Model R - This is a supercar by anyones standard. But it is also electic.

Navya ARMA - An electric shuttle, autonomous and intelligent service of mobility.

Mercedes-Benz IAA - The shape-shifting aero vehicle.

eRinGo EV - Drum-shaped electric vehicle with two steering wheels.

Mercedes-Benz BIOME - This vehicle has as much in common with bacteria as it does any car.

eXtremes - 3-seater hybrid car, combining aspects of a 4x4 with those of a sports car.

Taihoo 2046 - A car design based on a stone (the Taihu Stone).

2PM AirPod - Gasoline is already the fuel of the past.

Rinspeed sQuba - Bond would be proud this amphibian.

Meromorph - This car is literally an extension of your home.

Porsche Mission - Porsche meets 'Minority Report'.

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Car, High-Tech, Future, Automobile, Infographics

The Basics of Feng Shui For Your Home (Infographic)

Feng shui translates as 'wind-water'. It is the ancient Chinese principle of creating a harmonious balance of energies in any given space. The main principles of feng shui revolve around colour and the five elements (earth, fire, wood, water and metal) and how they interact together to encourage well being, health and good fortune, creating a positive atmosphere in the home.

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The Amazing Extinct Animals of Great Britain (Infographic)

One of the most incredible things about the United Kingdom is its huge range of wildlife. There are some truly amazing creatures living on these isles, but the past holds an even greater range of astonishing animals.

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