Tuesday, March 1, 2016

What will the car of the future look like? (Infographic)

Which of these groundbreaking cars going to lead the way for the automobile of the future?

EN-V - EN-V is short for Electric Networked Vehicle

Vision Tokyo - Looks more like a high-tech lounge than the inside of a vehicle.

Terrafugia Transition - It may not be a hover car but this comes close.

Tesla Model R - This is a supercar by anyones standard. But it is also electic.

Navya ARMA - An electric shuttle, autonomous and intelligent service of mobility.

Mercedes-Benz IAA - The shape-shifting aero vehicle.

eRinGo EV - Drum-shaped electric vehicle with two steering wheels.

Mercedes-Benz BIOME - This vehicle has as much in common with bacteria as it does any car.

eXtremes - 3-seater hybrid car, combining aspects of a 4x4 with those of a sports car.

Taihoo 2046 - A car design based on a stone (the Taihu Stone).

2PM AirPod - Gasoline is already the fuel of the past.

Rinspeed sQuba - Bond would be proud this amphibian.

Meromorph - This car is literally an extension of your home.

Porsche Mission - Porsche meets 'Minority Report'.

Check out more here: www.WildernessReserve.com

Car, High-Tech, Future, Automobile, Infographics

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